How is the weather in Phuket in April?
The weather in Phuket In April remains beautiful and clear. The sea continues to be calm, and the weather is as warm as a bath. In April, the temperatures start to seriously raise and can reach some of the highest peaks of the year. If you travelled on a short budget and picked one of the few hostels without air con and just a fan, you better be ready for some hot nights, but all hotels in Phuket are well prepared, and air conditioning is expected to provide comfortable temperatures in your room. Read more about Phuket weather
The average high temperature in Phuket in April is around 33°C (91°F), with nighttime temperatures dropping to an average of 25°C (77°F). The humidity level is usually quite high, ranging from 60% to 90%. Taking precautions against the sun and heat is important, such as staying hydrated, wearing light and breathable clothing, and using sunscreen.
April is also considered the start of the rainy season in Phuket, with occasional rain showers and thunderstorms. However, the amount of rainfall can vary yearly, and it is difficult to predict with certainty. It’s always a good idea to check the weather forecast before travelling and pack accordingly.
Songkran Festival
April being so hot each year, it is also the occasion to celebrate the famous Songkran festival, where people shower each other copiously for several days (and nights). It’s fun for most, but if you don’t like getting wet and partying wild, consider avoiding the Songkran week (whose dates vary each year).
Phuket Averages in April
Rain Chart for Phuket in April
Temperatures and rainy days in April
🌡️ Average day temperature | 32.1°C |
🌡️ Average night temperature | 28.1°C |
☀️ Average sunny days | 22 days |
☔ Average rainy days | 10 days |
🌧️ Average rainfall | 142.9 mm |
💧 Average humidity | 75 % |
🤿 Water temperature | 30.2°C |
Timelapse of each day of April 2024
Phuket weather each month of the year
More about the weather in Phuket
FAQs about Phuket Weather in April
Q. What is the average temperature in April in Phuket?
a. In April, the average temperature in Phuket is 32.1°C during the day and 28.1°C at night.
Q. How many rainy days in April?
a. In Phuket during April, the rain falls for 10 days, with an average rainfall of 30.3 mm.
Q. What is the water temperature in April?
a. In April, the average water temperature is 30.2°C.
Q. What is the average length of a day in April in Phuket?
a. The average length of a day in April in Phuket is 12.30h. The sunrise is around 6.17 am, and the sunset is around 6.35 pm.
Q. What should I pack for April weather in Phuket?
a. In April, the sky is still blue and the temperature is very comfortable, so you should pack very light.