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Useful Thai Phrases when visiting Phuket

Some Thai phrases to save your day in Phuket! 🙂

Most people in Phuket will understand a few words of English, especially in tourist areas or when their business depends on tourism, however, it is always fun and appreciated when visitors can exchange greetings in the Thai language. Here are a few useful Thai phrases and sentences to use when travelling to Phuket and Thailand. Some are casual and just for fun, and some might prove themselves useful, especially when it comes to food preferences or allergies.

Note that “Kap” and “Kaa” are both polite particles used in the Thai language, particularly at the end of a sentence or phrase.”Kap” is used by men, whereas “Kaa” is a polite particle that is typically used by women. However, both particles can be used by anyone, regardless of gender.

Casual conversation

HelloSawadii (Kap/Kaa)สวัสดี
How are you?Sabai dee mai (Kap/Kaa)?สบายดีมั้ย
I’m fineSabai dee (Kap/Kaa)สบายดี
I’m not wellMai sabaiไม่สบาย
Thank youKhop kun (Kap/Kaa)ขอบคุณ
You’re welcomeMai pen rai (Kap/Kaa)ไม่เป็นไร
Sorry / Excuse meKoor thot (Kap/Kaa)ขอโทษ
No problemMai pen rai (Kap/Kaa)ไม่เป็นไร
Can you speak English?Pood paasaa anggrit dai mai (Kap/Kaa)พูดภาษาอังกฤษได้มั้ย
What is your name?Kun chuu arai (Kap/Kaa)?คุณชื่ออะไร
Where is the Bathroom?Hongnaam tee nai (Kap/Kaa)?ห้องน้ำอยู่ที่ไหน
How much is it?Taorai (Kap/Kaa)?เท่าไหร่
Very expensivePaeng maakแพงมาก
Can you give a discount?Lod dai mai (Kap/Kaa) ?ลดได้มั้ย


Food-related phrases

I’m very hungryHew maakหิวมาก
I am vegetarianGin mung sa wi radกินมังสวิรัติ
I am veganGin jaeกินเจ
Can I have water?Kor naam prawขอน้ำเปล่า
No ice pleaseMai sai nam kaengไม่ใส่น้ำแข็ง
Is this spicy?Ped maiเผ็ดมั้ย
Not spicy pleaseMai pedไม่เผ็ด
I am allergic to MSGGin pong shoo rod mai dai / Pair pong shoo rodกินผงชูรสไม่ได้ / แพ้ผงชูรส
I can't eat nuts / I am allergic to nutsGin tua mai dai / Pair tuaกินถั่วไม่ได้ / แพ้ถั่ว
I can't drink milk / I am allergic to milkGin nom mai dai / Pair nomกินนมไม่ได้ / แพ้นม
I can't eat eggs / I am allergic to eggsGin kai mai dai / Pair kaiกินไข่ไม่ได้ / แพ้ไข่
I can't eat wheat / I am allergic to wheatGin kao sa lee mai dai / Pair kao sa leeกินข้าวสาลีไม่ได้ / แพ้ข้าวสาลี
I can't eat soy / I am allergic to soyGin tua lhung mai dai / Pair tua lhungกินถั่วเหลืองไม่ได้ / แพ้ถั่วเหลือง
I can't eat shellfish / I am allergic to shellfishGin seafood mai dai nok jak plaกินซีฟู้ดไม่ได้นอกจากปลา
I can't eat garlic or onions / I am allergic to garlic or onionsGin kra-tiam gap hua-hom mai dai / Pair kra-tiam gap hua-homฉัน กินกระเทียมกับหัวหอมไม่ได้ / แพ้กระเทียมกับหัวหอม
Do you have gluten-free food?Mee ar han tee mai mee gluten maiมีอาหารที่ไม่มีกลูเตนมั้ย
Does this dish contain gluten?Jarn nee sai gluten maiจานนี้ใส่กลูเตนมั้ย


Practical phrases

Where is the Bathroom? Hongnaam yuu tee nai (Kap/Kaa)?ห้องน้ำอยู่ที่ไหน
Where is there a pharmacy?Raan kai yaa yuuu tee nai (Kap/Kaa)?ร้านขายยาอยู่ที่ไหน
Where is there a hospital?Rong-pa-ya-baan yuu tee nai (Kap/Kaa)?โรงพยาบาลอยู่ที่ไหน
IWhere is there an ATM?ATM yuu tee nai (Kap/Kaa)?ตู้ ATM อยู่ที่ไหน
Where can I change money?Chan laek ngern tee nai dai bang (Kap/Kaa)?แลกเงินที่ไหนได้บ้าง
Where can I book a tour?Chan ja jong tua tee nai dai bang (Kap/Kaa)?จะจองทัวร์ที่ไหนได้บ้าง

Practical information about Phuket

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Phuket 101

Phuket 101 Blog shares 30 years of Phuket exploration and thousands of photos, tips and secrets. This travel guide is written from our real experiences: we tried and visited every place, and we paid for almost everything, which allows us to keep our honest opinions. Phuket 101 was born in January 2011.View Author posts