Diablo A Go Go
Diablo A Go Go is one of the well known A Go Go in Soi Seadragon, the hottest lane of Patong Beach, in the hottest street of the hottest town of Phuket. Competition between Go Go bars is fierce (but friendly) to convince you to step in and “Have a look, Sir!” At the end of the lane, Diablo uses this strategy extensively to grab you before you can reach the very popular Suzy Wong’s located just next, and I suppose it does work once in a while.
The exterior of Diablo has been refreshed when the entire Soi Seadragon was renovated, and it looks quite fun and naughty. However, the inside hasn’t changed much: a central stage with poles, stools around the stage, sofas around the room, etc… (I hear someone mumbling, “Are they all the same?” no, they are not). But it is still good fun, it is a busy place, but it lacks action or originality, which is what the new generation of Go Go is trying to bring to the Phuket night scene… people come for fun, not only for girls anymore. I’m always surprised to see so many couples sitting around. Prices are fixed in most Go Go bars in this street, about 120 to 140 baht for a beer.
If you want to know more about what you might see inside, read the page I dedicated to this: ‘What Really Happens in a Go Go Bar‘. Anyway, no one visits only one Go Go Bar on such party night, so step in, have a look and see it for yourself. This is Phuket, not Bangkok, and it’s perfectly ok to change your mind. Remember that taking photos is not allowed and would be fined 2 to 3,000 Baht. (I always wondered if I could pay 2,000 in advance and get more photos of this place 😀
Phuket 101 Blog shares 30 years of Phuket exploration and thousands of photos, tips and secrets for those who love Phuket as much as we do. This blog is written from our real experiences: we tried and visited every place, and we paid for almost everything, which allows us to keep our honest opinions, and we are pretty strict about this. Phuket 101 was born on January 15, 2011.