Find the best in Phuket!
Our Phuket map collection is designed to help you find everything you may need to know to plan your next holiday here. We marked on those maps all the places we wrote about in our blog, from beaches to viewpoints, night markets and temples. We keep updating all those maps as we explore, so bookmark them for your next visit.
The Ultimate Phuket Map!
Everything we ever wrote about Phuket is on the map below, and we try to keep it as updated as possible. Click here If you wish to see this map in a full-screen window
Phuket Hotels on Map
Phuket Beaches
Phuket Islands
Koh Khai Islands
Map of all the Beaches of Phuket
With so many beaches to choose from here, this might be the most important Phuket map! As you can see, most of them are on the west coast and a few on the south-east (the east coast mostly consists of mangroves and mud)
Map of Phuket Best Snorkeling Beaches
There are more than 40 beaches in Phuket, and the largest ones are not necessarily the best for snorkelling. The small sandy creeks are often better, as the rocky ends on each side shelter a lot of marine life. See our map of the best snorkelling beaches in Phuket.
Map of Phuket Private Beaches
The most beautiful beaches of Phuket are often private. It always surprises visitors who heard that there are no such thing as a private beach in Thailand. What happens is that hotels own the entire land around the beach, allowing them to restrict access to the benefit of their guests only, which is a fantastic selling point. Now, if you know how to reach the beach, you are allowed to enjoy it! Here is a map of those private beaches.
Map of Islands Around Phuket
Phi Phi island, Koh Bon, Koh Khai and the Similan Islands: here is a map with the most significant island around Phuket
Map of Phuket Night Markets
There are a lot of night markets around Phuket. Some address mostly to tourists, some to both locals and tourists. The weekend markets are the most popular but use our map, and you will find one for almost every day of the week.
Map of Phuket Viewpoints
The many viewpoints of Phuket (and around) are great photo opportunities, but they might require a bit of effort and a little bit of planning. Use our viewpoint map to plan your exploration day.
Map of Beach Clubs
Beach clubs are back on the island, and the list keeps growing. Now almost every beach in Phuket has a beach club, even Patong has one. Here is our list of the main beach clubs around Phuket.
Map of Rooftops Bars
They may not be as impressive as those in Bangkok, but there are some magnificent rooftop bars in Phuket, and they are great for a sunset or even for dinner (and why not, to pop the question!)
Map of Phuket’s Best Local Restaurants
The list below is not for the usual tourist places. These are great but small restaurants where locals come to share a meal with friends and families. Even people from Bangkok have them on their list!
Map of Romantic Restaurants
Use this map to take your loved one to a truly memorable dinner somewhere around the island, usually by the sea. Of course, with such a location, prices are above average, but those are the places we love.
Walking Map of Phuket Town
Map of Phuket Museums
There are a handful of museums in Phuket. They are not impressive and don’t display art masterpieces, but their mission is to share the surprisingly rich past of the island.
Map of Phuket Sunset Bars
Map of Waterfalls
There are only three significant waterfalls here and a couple of streams. This map will help you find them, but keep in mind that they might be a bit disappointing during the high dry season (November to May)
Map of Thai Temples in Phuket
Phuket temples are always worth a visit; from the temple hidden inside a cave to the famous Wat Chalong (‘Wat’ means ‘Temple’ in Thai), a visit to Thailand would not be complete without exploring a few of these magnificent and beautifully ornamented places of worship. Everyone is welcome, but you must dress and behave decently (no sleeveless shirts, no skirts above the knee).
Map of Phuket Chinese Shrines
Piers and Marinas of Phuket